every morning mt luho is my jogging route. a little further down the stretch comes this kickass view.
bolabog beach--the coast of the island where my apartment is at, is a happening place from months of november to march/feb for the Amihan season (east wind). this is where kiteboarders and windsurfers from all over the world come to play. bolabog is voted one of the best kitesurfing places in asia.
righ now habagat season (west wind) had just begun. bolabog and mt luho are now a still and quiet beauty. hence the house arrest i am now in from the weekend long rains. when in doubt--blog.
the smallest building of the three in this picture, right most and white-- is my apartment buiilding! in the island we are known as bahay boracay it is a magnificent beach house. i may well regret leaving but id rather look at it this way-- extremely grateful to have spent my latest occupancy in the island here. i mean, how often do you ever get to stay in a crib like this? bahay boracay is considerably far from the "town" and you will need to walk a certain distance or call for land transportation to get you around. yet unlike my first 6 months i was out every night and day uncontrollably. living here has made me stay home more than i ever did (on the island! haha) fresh morning air, sunrise. a spectacular view of the cove. i count myself lucky <3
and so my lullabye for this gorgeous locale. take me somewhere nice by mogwai <3
special thanks to koi busalla for the pictures and letting me tweak them a bit :)
Such a beautiful place, you are so lucky to be living there. :)
The Cat Hag
thank you i couldnt agree more. i need to be with my family again even just for a while and who knows where i'll move to next :)